iF Design is located in Hanover, Germany. And every year in different categories they give award to product's design. This award is an important advertisement tool to increase competition among your competitors. And also it is a respected award. In general, if you receive this award, you product and your brand shifts to a different level. Being awared by iF is proof of your quality in design, production and quality; those are the most important thing for a brand.
However, there are some interesting awards which caught my attention and I would like to share with you.
Let's start from 2009;
They awarded
Continental HTR2 Truck Tyre. You didn't read wrong, a truck tyre is awarded by design award. And they give the reason why they liked it. And there is short preview from their comments.
"The side wall is because of its serrated surface and the big smooth lettering best possible readable. In a “service-label” all important informations, like tire size, segment and application icon, are combined."
From 2008;
BW 154 AP Heavy tandem roller, I have never heard for this brand but we all know this machine. And I am pretty sure that, none of us had emerged emotional relationship with this thing :) I really don't know what is different from other heavy tandem rollers but gave award :)

They have awared
BMW X3. Yes, X3 you didn't read wrong or there is no typing miskake! iF is awarding to really nicely designed products. The previous ones, I mentioned even though they are interesting products I am pretty sure that, there is significant design difference to be awarded. But come on! This is X3, the car nobody likes it, even the owners don't like it. They bought it because it was BMW. Also we could see that, iF wrote lots of comments about every product but they did not write anything. No comment !
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